Deep tissue massage is massage therapy that focuses on the rearrangement of tissue layers that lie deep within the muscles and the connective tissues. This therapy is based on popular deep tissue massage, and utilizes many movements and techniques from it. Some of the strokes of this massage resemble the classic massage therapy, however, the movements used are quite slow and extreme pressure is applied on tense areas. This massage therapy is mainly useful for tense, contracted and stressed areas of the body such as the stiff neck, stiffness in the lower back and sore shoulders. The massage is corrective as well as therapeutic and has many benefits for the human body.

Deep tissue massage is effective because of its technique – consisting of slower, stronger massage that stimulates deep into muscles. This can be especially helpful for athletes who expose their muscles to daily, intensive conditioning. Deep tissue massage will noticeably loosen muscles, elevate pain, and increase mobility – all significant benefits for an athlete. However, you don’t have to be an athlete to enjoy the benefits of deep tissue massage.

Benefits of a Deep Tissue Massage

  • Improves the circulation of oxygen
  • Helps in relaxing stiff muscles
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Beneficial in osteoporosis
  • Improve the movement of body fluids.
  • Beneficial to the muscle tissues.

Those suffering from certain conditions may also find deep tissue massage to be quite therapeutic. Sufferers of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, edema, muscle cramping, and even carpal tunnel syndrome may find significant relief from deep tissue massage. The pressure exerted on different groups of muscle tissue stimulates circulation in areas of pain.

Deep tissue massage, however, is not for everyone. There can be mild to moderate discomfort during the massage as tight muscles are worked. And there can be a day or two of soreness following the deep tissue massage – similar to after you complete a particularly rigorous workout.

But if you are comfortable with a stronger, more focused massage as well as the soreness that may accompany it, then a grand deep tissue massage may be for you.


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